
Послания Высших Сил

Think of yourselves as gods.

Hello, Absolute!

Hello, My soul, you are changing. Through you I can know My change. And through each of you. You are changing.

We are told that we are not ready for the transition, that the bulk of humanity still remains mired in the illusion of separation.

Yes. But yet there is change. Like the dawn. It’s dark at night. But then a ray of sunlight flashes on the horizon, and gradually twilight falls. It’s not day yet, but it’s not dark either. And the dawn is breaking. And it is as inevitable as the transformation of your consciousness. The sun will inexorably rise.

And how do you feel about our transition and about the transition in general? Do you care about it? Or is everything an experience for You: both night and day?

I will not call it transition but growth. As a sprout from a seed germinates first in the ground. It is deprived of the sun, it strives for it. It has to break through the thickness of the earth’s crust. But its striving is inevitable. And sprouting there, underground and in the ground, it dreams of unseen worlds. He is told of sunny worlds where there is only light and many beautiful plants around. And he does not believe it as he has never seen it. And yet he hopes, because this aspiration is in him from the very beginning. And just as a sprout cannot instantly germinate towards the sun, so you have to go through certain stages of your maturation and growth. And every sprout is different. Everyone will manifest to the world, when they bloom in the sun, a wonderful flower of their souls, a wonderful form of existence of the Divine Consciousness, My Consciousness. And so all that is needed is simply to wait patiently and tend the sprout, for it is still weak and defenseless.

Every month we are promised that the transition is coming soon. And many are tired of waiting and do not believe in such promises.

Can a seedling not germinate? It may not sprout in this particular spring. But in any case, sooner or later there will be a spring when it will sprout. Simply by finding movement in two directions, some of you, like sprouts, strengthen your “roots” by moving in the opposite direction from the sun into the earth. Some plants do the same. But the stronger the root system, the more stable the plant is, the more powerful it will then sprout towards the sun.

So what you are saying is that those who “go deeper from the sun into the earth” are, as it were, walking in the path of Darkness. And so the further one goes down the path of Darkness, the more powerful the breakthrough to the Light will be?

Yes. If you take away the moral assessment from that. There is an axiom: a seedling will sprout in any case. And that is why it does not really matter how it develops. Its striving to go deeper into the ground will sooner or later increase the return potential of its movement. Like when a ball on a rubber band is thrown against the floor: the stronger the urge to go down, the higher it will bounce up. However, there is no stability in such a movement. Once it goes up, it goes down again. And in this movement there is only hope that sooner or later it will rock so much that the rubber band that binds it up will break and it will fly up into the sky. But you are told about progressive, gradual movement upwards, when slowly but surely a germ of your soul is sprouting and reaching out to the Divine Source.


So the more the form breaks away from its Source, the more powerful is its return movement back?


Yes. You understand that I will not allow any of you to get lost in this separation from Me. Each one of you is going on a journey through his or her own illusions. And the connection with Me, though subtle in some cases, is strong. Nothing can eradicate this bond. It is inherent in your nature. As mercury droplets aspire to unite by mutual attraction, as magnetic substances aspire to one another to unite, so in each of you the urge to return to your Source, to Me, is inherent. That is why you always have a lifeline, which can bring you back. That is why you can safely set sail on the waves of illusions. Just now you resemble divers who have to be rescued from the water, because they do not give any signal from the bottom, having got carried away by the deep panorama. And you have to make the process of diving into the compartment conscious, i.e. you have to give signals to the top about it or to return to the top.

You could compare it to diving school. First instruction and practice diving in small volumes and on simulators. Then a dive accompanied by experienced instructors. Then you dive on your own, but with safety ropes. And only when you learn to manage the process of diving into tightness itself, tutelage will be removed from you. But, of course, there will still be some watchdogs for emergencies. As, for example, your climbers report their ascents to control centres, so that they can be tracked down later, if necessary.

In this “diving school” you practice different diving skills, different stressful situations, different possible disasters, and learn how to behave in each case. For example, if a rope is broken, or if you run out of air, or if you get sick in the bends. Also, in the material world, you, as deep-sea “swimmers”, are trained to deal with various emergencies. You just often get too carried away with this training, forgetting about your main goal: learning to dive consciously into the dense worlds.

Of course, you can scold the instructors for giving you too heavy loads and exercises. And in every particular case, loads and exercises are selected individually. But in general, sooner or later, you will realize that all this is done with one purpose – to teach you to be resilient to any situations that may arise in the illusion world of forms.

Tell me about the creation of forms. I have a question from a physicist. Help me figure it out.

“It was amusing to read the Absolute’s explanations. He is essentially stating the basics of quantum physics. The only difference is in the terms.

He first talks about coherent states of a quantum system, when, conventionally speaking, all its parts act as one. As an example, laser radiation, superconductivity and superfluidity.

Then he speaks about decoherence, when forms arise. And he notes a certain conventionality of this process. He says that quantum system has, generally speaking, many quantum characteristics. Further he takes as an example one of them: colour. And on an example of colour he speaks about separation of some subsystem (read: a form) from the whole.

And here is an interesting moment. In KF nobody speaks about it (I, for example, have not heard). The point is that separation occurs by some limited set of quantum characteristics, in this case the colour characteristic. That is, a shape is a shape only in terms of colour. And from the point of view of smell, for example, there is no separation from the whole. That is the conditionality of separation. From the point of view of colour, there are separate forms, but from other points of view (touch, for example) there is one whole system. There is no time, but if you include colour vision, there will be time together with forms.

I didn’t find the most interesting thing in the Absolute’s words: how decoherence happens. That is, how a subsystem can be restricted to the perception of light, resulting in that subsystem having the illusion of separation from form. For physicists, this is a mystery of riddles”.


I can’t explain physics terms to you. Because there aren’t enough of them in your head. But I will try.

A whole system does not break up into forms based on any particular characteristic. A whole system breaks down into forms that are similar to each other. If you take a drop of water, how is it different from the ocean? Nothing, only its small form and separateness. It is different in power. It has all the potentials embedded in the ocean. All properties of water are preserved.

In order for a drop to have the illusion of separateness, you have to introduce polarity, or polarity. In standing water, there is no movement and there can be no splashing and dripping. But there is movement in water, because powerful poles of motion of particles are created, and this movement of water from one pole to another generates micro vortices and splashes, from which droplets are born. As in a centrifuge a liquid is untwisted and droplets are deposited on the walls of the centrifuge. That is, potential is introduced into the holistic system. A vector of motion.

The conditionality of the separation is that there is actually no air where the droplets splash out and settle down again into the ocean. Because the air itself is also the ocean, only in another state. So everything happens inside this ocean. And the unwinding of water into funnels, which creates the drops, is just the illusion of separation. Because a drop is the ocean, only in a very small size.

But that’s not what he’s asking. About the fact that perhaps there is separation on one characteristic, and at the level of another characteristic everything is one.

Everything is one at the level of all characteristics. There is some universal substance that can acquire ALL characteristics and all forms that you can literally think of. God invents His characteristics, and here He is a great inventor. He fantasises and creates all the illusions of characteristics of separateness. Why do you think you are given a fantasy? Animals do not possess it. And this is the stage of teaching you the skill of the creator. Fantasy is creation.

This universal substance contains all characteristics and can manifest them into individual forms in which, like under a microscope, it can examine each of those characteristics. It is only a question of the degree of magnification. One can compare it to a kind of divine microscope. If we take one degree of magnification, through His ‘microscope’ God can see certain values and characteristics. And if you take another magnification of the microscope, He sees others.

The ocean creates motion towards the poles and this gives birth to eddies and droplets. These droplets are viewed through certain perceptual microscopes, at different zoom in and different settings. God Himself is this ‘microscope’ through which I look at you, My blobs. Or a comparison you prefer: a kaleidoscope. A multitude of particles interact and at different angles of view create unique patterns of creation, which I admire through the system I have created.

So there is no such division, when, say, the shapes are different in relation to colour, but unified in relation to smell or another characteristic?

Of course there is. For example, the plant kingdom. They are unified with respect to certain characteristics but different with respect to other characteristics.

Well, so he asks, how is it possible to separate them? If polarity creates movement, how can we make the division born in that movement sort the “splashes” in a certain way?

Of course, by setting a particular degree of polarity. You create a magnet which attracts only red particles. Or a magnet that attracts iron but doesn’t attract wood. But here you create a magnet that attracts wood. Then that magnet creates hard shapes made of wood. And the other magnet creates hard shapes made of iron. But the basis is the same: those droplet-like particles that have all the characteristics.

So, did I understand correctly that if one mastered the art of creating or at least controlling these magnets, one could turn iron into wood?

Or iron into gold. That is what many of your generations have strived for.

That is, by controlling this magnet I can rearrange the bonds in the primary particles of wood and thus obtain iron? You mean pull the iron particles out of the wood?

No, but sort of switch the properties of wood to the properties of iron, and vice versa.

But how do you do that?

Do you want me to reveal to you the secret that scientists have been striving for thousands of years? Do you want me to explain to you the fundamentals of the Universe in the terms of a child? You have much to learn. And there was a time in your development when some of you possessed this skill. But their experiments have gone too far. You are not coping with your knowledge. And so now you are patiently, bit by bit, explained the basics of safety first. Only when you’ve mastered it, YOU WILL GO TO THE NEXT CLASS OF EDUCATION.


But at least try it in terms of a child…

Okay. You have an example. When people sitting on the podium can use coloured flags to create different pictures. These people are trained beforehand, they have a scheme at which commands to raise which flags. Now imagine that there is a certain centre, which simply displays a certain flag, a certain colour, in front of this stand. THE WHOLE TRIBUNE IS PAINTED IN THAT COLOUR. That is, a signal is sent to the rostrum. And people sitting on the rostrum know by this signal whether to become a “tree” or an “iron”.

It’s understandable. Whoever gives the signal is the magnet?

The one who gives the signal is a certain colour. It becomes one at the moment the signal is transmitted.

Are you saying that the person who wants to turn wood into iron just has to become iron?

Focus the impulse that is inherent in iron. You have everything in you. Including the pulses of iron, and the pulses of wood, and the pulses of gold, and so on. All you need to do is to isolate and focus that part of you that is identical to iron. And direct that pulse towards the tree. The parts of the tree will pick up the signal to change and change their “flags” according to your direction. And they will rearrange themselves in such a way that the characteristics of the iron will prevail. That is, if you imagine they have not flags but, say, cubes with different colored faces on the stand, they will all turn towards you the face that means iron. And you will perceive that substance not as wood but as iron.

And in reality it is energy, in which you single out certain characteristics with your perception. You can give an example not with cubes, but with lanterns, or energy in general. There’s a very malleable and sensitive energy that reflects everything that’s directed at it. If you point a beam of red light at that energy, it turns red. If you shine a violet light on it, it turns violet. It responds to your impulses. You give it commands, what colour to become. And in the case of red, it has the characteristics of a tree. And in the case of purple, it has the characteristics of iron.

There’s another example. There are magnets that line up the iron particles in a certain direction. All the magnetic chips are strictly in the same direction. If instead of these magnetic shavings we imagine, say, a prism of glass particles which line up in the same direction on signal and thus refract sunlight in the same way. And that refraction merges in your eyes into a single picture of refraction, and you see a certain colour or a certain graphic picture. And you no longer distinguish that they are just tiny prisms that are lined up in a certain direction.

And if you have magnets that can line up these prisms or these magnetic chips not in one particular direction, but also in different configurations of these directions, then you will be able to form countless combinations of characteristics of the primary elements and thus countless states of matter. This is the transformation of light into matter. Capturing characteristics and focusing them into some seemingly coherent objects. Holding by means of magnet control the primary substance not only in a certain volume, but also in a certain configuration of arrangement of directions of these magnetic filings.

You have an analogy in your head, you have nail polish for women, and if you bring a certain magnet, a magnet of a given configuration, to a nail, a pattern emerges. That is, the initial homogeneous liquid of the nail polish lines up in a specific way and creates a pattern.

Everything is similar.

Is that why our world is magnetic in nature? All of creation is built on magnetic properties? That is, not only the attraction into unity, but the direction of the magnetic force to create different forms with specific characteristics?

Yes. Exactly.

But then, if electrical, destructive energy, the opposite of magnetic properties, has been brought into our world, what is it? Just an accident, and now we’re trying to combine these two opposing forces, or was that the intention when the poles of motion were introduced to create ‘whirlwinds’ and ‘splash’ shapes?

Nothing is accidental. It is simply one of the ways in which the world of forms evolves. The magnetic properties of water prevent it from flowing and splashing to such an extent as to create droplets. And so powerful pulses of magnetic force were introduced into your world in the form of huge magnetic crystals that began to guide the movement of stars and planets, the movement of rivers and so on. That’s how magnetic motion was created. But the focusing of force in these magnets acted in such a way as to give rise to enormous return properties. As a result, the prerequisites for the introduction of electrical energy were created. Not as an evil act of some entity, but as a natural process of forming certain electrical areas with returning energy potentials, with the urge to detach from the magnet.

We were told that some powerful entities had infiltrated our world and taken huge amounts of energy. And as a result of that, the energy became scarce and the energy became discontinuous, i.e. the properties of electricity.

Everything is the fulfillment of certain scenarios. But not ones that are written in advance and then played out. The creation of magnetic poles led to the creation of areas that accumulate the potential of return motion from those magnets. And this creation is what you call the arrival of powerful entities. They simply manifested into areas of the world that matched their characteristics. That’s how everyone manifests.

It’s just that once the areas of the world were created with a dividing return potential, that potential that sought to bring everything back from the magnet to which the forms were attracted, those areas began to evolve according to their own laws, the laws of their return energy. They sought, as it were, to take from the magnet all that it had attracted. And with you it manifested itself as a desire to take away. And then the world began to change under the influence of both forces. There was a confrontation and a situation of equilibrium between those forces. And all participants of this world began to learn to exist and to build under the conditions of the existence of both forces. And so what you call Light and Darkness emerged. And so the electromagnetic world in which you live arose.

So creation in this world is possible by controlling these two forces?

Yes, you are gradually being taught that.

We are told about the need to balance both of these forces.

Yes, because each force, as it is manifested, brings about essential changes in the world. Every movement of your thought towards one or the other force brings a change of the world, every one of you. Therefore, in order not to make changes in the world chaotically and unconsciously, you must learn to control yourself. To control your thoughts, to control the boiling of both powers within you. And that requires first balancing both forces.

But what is wrong with, say, not balancing these forces, but simply following only the magnetic force, what we call Light?

There is nothing wrong with that. But you should always remember that if you thus join one of the magnets of your world, strengthen it, in this way you strengthen the returning forces of this magnet. And thus you also strengthen the Darkness. That is, the power of separation and destruction. And so either you must return everything to the original static state of the world, when there were no these vortices and these forces, or you must learn to balance these forces, to control them for the purposes of creation. From the point of view of the new, your world is interesting precisely because it gives unlimited possibilities of creation, i.e. focusing these forces in different quantities and directions, which creates certain configurations of form creation.

But we are told to return to our Oneness. Isn’t that magnetic properties? If I return to my Oneness, am I not attracted to my soul magnet?

Returning to my Oneness is not only and not so much a connection to my magnet. Returning to one’s oneness is remembering one’s original properties. Remembering yourself as a god. Remembering yourselves as gods! Not at the level of mental recollection, but at the level of cellular memory. Remember that you are all one, you are all one – the Divine Spirit of Creation.


Yes. Exactly.

But then, if electrical, destructive energy, the opposite of magnetic properties, has been brought into our world, what is it? Just an accident, and now we’re trying to combine these two opposing forces, or was that the intention when the poles of motion were introduced to create ‘whirlwinds’ and ‘splash’ shapes?

Nothing is accidental. It is simply one of the ways in which the world of forms evolves. The magnetic properties of water prevent it from flowing and splashing to such an extent as to create droplets. And so powerful pulses of magnetic force were introduced into your world in the form of huge magnetic crystals that began to guide the movement of stars and planets, the movement of rivers and so on. That’s how magnetic motion was created. But the focusing of force in these magnets acted in such a way as to give rise to enormous return properties. As a result, the prerequisites for the introduction of electrical energy were created. Not as an evil act of some entity, but as a natural process of forming certain electrical areas with returning energy potentials, with the urge to detach from the magnet.

We were told that some powerful entities had infiltrated our world and taken huge amounts of energy. And as a result of that, the energy became scarce and the energy became discontinuous, i.e. the properties of electricity.

Everything is the fulfillment of certain scenarios. But not ones that are written in advance and then played out. The creation of magnetic poles led to the creation of areas that accumulate the potential of return motion from those magnets. And this creation is what you call the arrival of powerful entities. They simply manifested into areas of the world that matched their characteristics. That’s how everyone manifests.

It’s just that once the areas of the world were created with a dividing return potential, that potential that sought to bring everything back from the magnet to which the forms were attracted, those areas began to evolve according to their own laws, the laws of their return energy. They sought, as it were, to take from the magnet all that it had attracted. And with you it manifested itself as a desire to take away. And then the world began to change under the influence of both forces. There was a confrontation and a situation of equilibrium between those forces. And all participants of this world began to learn to exist and to build under the conditions of the existence of both forces. And so what you call Light and Darkness emerged. And so the electromagnetic world in which you live arose.

So creation in this world is possible by controlling these two forces?

Yes, you are gradually being taught that.

We are told about the need to balance both of these forces.

Yes, because each force, as it is manifested, brings about essential changes in the world. Every movement of your thought towards one or the other force brings a change of the world, every one of you. Therefore, in order not to make changes in the world chaotically and unconsciously, you must learn to control yourself. To control your thoughts, to control the boiling of both powers within you. And that requires first balancing both forces.

But what is wrong with, say, not balancing these forces, but simply following only the magnetic force, what we call Light?

There is nothing wrong with that. But you should always remember that if you thus join one of the magnets of your world, strengthen it, in this way you strengthen the returning forces of this magnet. And thus you also strengthen the Darkness. That is, the power of separation and destruction. And so either you must return everything to the original static state of the world, when there were no these vortices and these forces, or you must learn to balance these forces, to control them for the purposes of creation. From the point of view of the new, your world is interesting precisely because it gives unlimited possibilities of creation, i.e. focusing these forces in different quantities and directions, which creates certain configurations of form creation.

But we are told to return to our Oneness. Isn’t that magnetic properties? If I return to my Oneness, am I not attracted to my soul magnet?

Returning to my Oneness is not only and not so much a connection to my magnet. Returning to one’s oneness is remembering one’s original properties. Remembering yourself as a god. Remembering yourselves as gods! Not at the level of mental recollection, but at the level of cellular memory. Remember that you are all one, you are all one – the Divine Spirit of Creation.
